No Wingers

Posted by Sornie | 6:34 AM | 0 comments »

You Libtards are incredible. You are so bitter and vile. People are losing their homes and personal belongings and all you can do is take girl swinging pot shots at a departed president. Crap for brains. Now, let me remind you, President Bush called the Governor of Louisiana DAYS BEFORE the storm hit and highly recommended he start evacuations on New Orleans and the Libtard Governor basically told the President to go to he**. Oh, but you don't want any facts, do you! Unchanged history hurts, don't it! Blame the Governor of Louisiana for the chaos, traffic jams and slowness of the response. It's pretty tough delivering supplies and aid when everyone is in the way!

posted by jjbgolly on Mar. 29, 09 at 8:49 PM

from Snowstorm to clobber state today, only 3-5 inches expected in metro